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Association Aims and Charter

  • To perpetuate the close bonds and esprit de corps created by past and present members of the Regiment​​

  • To guard the good name and preserve the interests of the Regiment

  • To preserve the memory of those who have served the Regiment and have since died​

  • To assist, where possible, serving and past members of the Regiment where assistance cannot be given by the Regiment​

  • To support the Battalions activities and to co-operate when possible with the Commanding Officers policies and directions

  • To liaise with the Defence Reserves Association on matters that may effect past and present members

  • Giving support to those Reservists on overseas operations and returning from overseas operational service to attain appropriate recognition, entitlements and veteran support where necessary​

  • Raise and publicise the profile of the Association's annual awards and the Pompey Elliott Scholarship for Junior Leaders





Don Blanksby ED, RFD

Ed Hawkes ED, RFD

John Leyden RFD

Bob McDougall

Paul Riley AM, RFD

John Hanlon OAM

Warren Block

A ground swell of interest in historical military achievement is apparent in today's community, particularly amongst young adults.  Attendance at ANZAC Day ceremonies illustrate this point and the Association has a role to play in developing this interest.

Comprising former and serving soldiers OF ALL RANKS the Association is non-political, but may lobby the Government on matters pertaining to defence issues through the Royal Victoria Regiment  Council and the Defence Reserves Association.







Your Association - Your Service - You’re Welcome


The RVR Association is open to ALL RANKS

​ All soldiers, NCO's and Officers of the Royal Victoria Regiment are encouraged to join.


RVRA Membership Criteria and Cost 

  • Currently serving Officers, NCO's and OR's - FIRST YEAR FREE - Subsequent Active Years - $15

  • All ranks currently serving with 5th/6th Battalion or 8th/7th Battalion, RVR - $15

  • Former members of 1RVR, 2RVR, 5RVR, 6RVR, 22RVR, 1IRC, 5/6RVR or 8/7RVR - $30

  • Former members of all antecedent Victorian infantry units prior to July 1960 - $30

  • Former members of other corps that were on any RVR unit establishments - $30

  • If aged 65 Life Membership to the Association is a once off payment of $300       

  • The Membership year is from 1 July to 30 June

  • ARE YOU FINANCIAL? We appreciate members paying there membership each year on time

  • Renewing electronically please ensure that you print your name and initial in the transaction record

  • NOTE: Please ensure your name is writen in the deposit transfer

  • If paying by cheque, post an application form to the Secretary so details are appropriately recorded

  • RVR Association Bank Account Details -   Bendigo Bank BSB 633 000 A/C No. 157800129 

  • Mail all membership applications to:- 


The Secretary RVR Association

C/- Regimental HQ 5/6 RVR

202 Burwood Road

Hawthorn  3122




Download a membership application here

 Click box below - Open file - Follow the prompts - Print - Pay - Post



The "Pompey" Elliott Scholarship seeks to improve leadership and military skills in both RVR Battalions through funding a scholarship to enable a corporal from the Regiment to spend time with one of its affiliated units overseas. The junior NCO selected will be able to gain new experience through training with a host unit and will also be given the opportunity to visit historical military sites significant to the Regiment, particularly its antecedent units.


Scholarships are awarded annually, alternating between the metro and country battalions. The actual year of host battalion posting depends on the RVR Battalion’s priorities regarding a corporal’s availability, battalion overseas deployment commitments and battalion requirements within Australia. The Association hopes to make sufficient funding available eventually to enable a corporal from each battalion to receive the award every year.


The Association acknowledges the strong support of the Returned & Services League Sub-branches, Association members and other kindred associations for this worthy scholarship. Individual donations can be forwarded to the Secretary or included with membership renewals.

A Soldiers Soldier


Major General Harold Edward Elliott CB, CMG, DSO, DCM, VD was born on 19 June 1879 at West Charlton, Victoria. While a student Elliott joined the University of Melbourne's officer corps but left to enlist in the 4th Victorian (Imperial) Contingent and fight in the Boer War.


Elliott proved himself a skilled and courageous soldier and was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal, Mentioned in Despatches, and once received Lord Kitchener's congratulations for his defence of a post. On his return to Australia Elliott joined the militia as a second lieutenant and by 1913 he had reached the rank of lieutenant colonel and was given command of the 58th Infantry, later known as 58th Infantry (Essendon Rifles)


"he quickly gained a reputation for courage and leadership"


When the First World War began Elliott was appointed to command the 7th Battalion AIF. He landed at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915, was shot in the foot, evacuated and did not return until June.​  Once back he quickly gained a reputation for courage and leadership - four of the seven Victoria Crosses awarded at Lone Pine went to Elliott's battalion. A short-lived command of the 1st Brigade was followed in March 1916 by promotion to brigadier general and command of the newly raised 15th Brigade. The brigade's first action on the Western Front, at Fromelles, was a disaster in which over 5,500 men of the 5th Division were killed or wounded in one night. Elliott wept as he met survivors coming out of the line.


But war also energised Elliott. Careful of men's lives, he was sometimes reckless with his own. A frank, outspoken man, he clashed with his superiors and was considered a difficult subordinate. In battle he proved to be an excellent, sometimes inspirational, leader. He expected to be given a divisional command and the denial of his ambition in May 1918 remained a source of bitterness until his death. For the rest of the war he led with characteristic zeal and in January 1919 received the fondest of farewells from the diggers in his brigade.





Following the war Elliott took command of the 15th Militia Brigade.  His protests at having been denied higher command continued and were rejected by the Military Board and the Minister for Defence.  Only in 1927 was Elliott promoted to major general and given command of the 3rd Division; however, his bitterness, expressed in correspondence to his superiors, remained.  He died on 23 March 1931 from a wound to the arm. Tragically an inquest returned a verdict of suicide.


Mena, Egypt. c. 1914. Lieutenant Colonel H.E. Elliott with members of the 7th Battalion, AIF, who came from Charlton, Victoria. (Donor Brigadier General H.E. Elliott)

AWM Photo H15592


     YEAR          BATTALION              AWARDED TO                               Activity


     2005             5th/6th               Cpl  K. WILLIAMS         THE ROYAL REGIMENT OF FUSILIERS


     2007             8th/7th               Cpl  P. BAIRD                      THE STAFFORDSHIRE REGIMENT


     2008             8th/7th               Cpl  D. CROWE                   THE STAFFORDSHIRE REGIMENT


     2009             5th/6th               Cpl  A. KLIKO                  THE ROYAL REGIMENT OF FUSILIERS


     2010             8th/7th                Cpl  L. McGREGOR                    Western Front Tour


     2014             5th/6th                Cpl  A. LAI                                               T.B.A.


     2017              8th/7th               Cpl  C. MORRIS                         PNG - THE KOKADA TRACK

     2017              5th/6th               Cpl  C. CORBET                         PNG - THE KOKADA TRACK

    2018              5th/6th                L/Cpl  N. PURCELL               Visited battlefields of the Western Front

    2019              8th/7th                 Cpl S. HILLER                             The Thailand-Burma Railway

    2020             5th/6th                 Cpl L. JOHNSON                                     T.B.A.

    2021              8th/7th                 Cpl D. VISTARINI      1 Mercian Regiment, England & Gallipoli, Turkiye

The basis of the scholarship has been the provision of the means for a Corporal of the RVR to visit and serve with an overseas infantry unit or partake in an endeavour approved by the Association. The original intention was that one selection would be made each calendar year on rotation through the two RVR Battalions. Due to the operational tempo both domesticaly and overseas over the past few years, and employment restrictions on potential recipients, these factors have, at times, limited the opportunities to deploy recipients. The result is that there are at times more than one member identified to travel overseas.

Infantry Battalion Affiliations

The Regiments Battalions are affiliated to the following

Australian, British, Canadian and New Zealand infantry Battalions.










5th/7th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment 

affiliated to the 8th/7th Battalion RVR











The Gordon Highlanders 

affiliated to the 5th/6th Battalion RVR











The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers 

affiliated to the 5th/6th Battalion RVR









The 3rd Battalion, Mercian Regiment (Staffordshire) 

affiliated to the 8th/7th Battalion RVR










The Royal Regiment of Canada

affiliated to the 8th/7th Battalion RVR










The Sixth Battalion (Hauraki) Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment

affiliated to the 5th/6th Battalion RVR

RVR Association

Support to Deployed RVR Forces




Since 2004 companies of the RVR has been deployed overseas on a number of nation building and peace keeping missions. Timor-Leste (JTF-631.2, 2004, 2012) Rifle Company Butterworth Malaysia (RCB-68, 2004-2005) and to the Solomon Islands (CTF-635, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2013). Committee members John Hanlon and John Johnson have co-ordinated the activities of the RVR Association and kindred infantry associations in the procurement and assembly of hundreds of Care Packs assembled and sent onto the serving troops. Items in the Care Packs changed from time to time but generally consisted of peanuts, beef jerky, fruit jubes, preserved fruit, cherry ripe bars, Mars bars, cheese and biscuit snack packs, chewing gum, lifesavers, post cards, AFL Fixtures, pens, toiletries and of course Anzac Biscuits. On a regular basis packages of books and magazines, donated by United Book Distributers, were sent via military mail/RAAF to the deployed soldiers. 


All of the items were provided as donations or heavily discounted by the suppliers. In 2013 an approach by 8/7RVR-2RVR Association to country RSL Sub-Branches resulted in the receipt of significant cash donations. This has meant that the expenditure shortfall to be made up by the combined associations was minimal. CUB's Abbotsford Brewery donated caps, stubby holders, bottle openers and footballs and Ringwood Hawks Women’s Basketball team came to the party with numerous basketballs. Committee member Dom Fountain had post cards printed (below) with the associations and sponsors recognised and a message to the serving soldiers that there efforts were recognised and that there service was appreciated. Quantities were enclosed with the care packages. It's was hoped that some of the younger soldiers would write to their worried mothers telling them the food was fine, they were going to bed early and all was well etc.


The Commanding Officers of 5/6RVR and 8/7RVR fully supported the various Care Pack projects and made depots available for packaging. In 2013 the work was combined with a family day at 5/6RVR Battalion HQ for the deployed troops husbands, wives, children, partners and parents. The families' and partners of deployed soldiers were briefed by Veterans Affairs and various Government Departments and toured the Regimental Museum. After the packaging was completed members of the combined associations prepared a sausage sizzle and took the opportunity to mix with the Regiments families.


The Association will continue to co-ordinate Care Packs to deployed troops on Operational Service into the future.

Letter from a servin​g digger during deployments

our care packs are greatly appreciated


The blokes and I would like thank you and the RVR Association very much for the care packages that arrived this week.  They've been really well received, as have the magazines and books.

I don't know what you've been receiving in the way of info, but most of the blokes are really enjoying themselves, and learning a lot about operations.  We're patrolling constantly in support of the police, and we've conducted several independent operations across Guadalcanal doing reconnaissance and "civil affairs" work.  It's very different to being a "Tuesday night chokko", and a lot of blokes are putting their hands up to go full-time after this.  I'm happy to come back to my civey job, though - that should be interesting itself!

The Islands are a mixed-up place: a strange blend of stone-age traditions and internet-level expectations.  Villages might not have running water, but they know their human rights off pat, and demand "compensation" for everything.  There is one place where the government wants to repair a bridge, and the village wants compensation before they will allow the repairs!

The weather has been everything we expected: hot and humid, with rain almost every day.  Here, though, the rain is so warm, and you're sweating so much anyway, that it doesn't really make much difference. We've had a bit of a chance to look around, and there is a lot more WWII history to catch up on yet.  The locals dig up UXO every day - grenades, rockets, bombs, etc.  They use the explosives to make fish bombs, which some times go off prematurely: the coppers reckon tampering with UXO kills ~5 people a month.  The other big hazard here is the home brew, known as kwaso.  It's foul - you can strip paint with it - but they get on it big on Friday and Saturday nights.  That when they start fighting with their rocks and bushknives, and we get called out to keep the peace.

Anyway, thanks again for thinking of us, and we're looking foward to catching up with everyone very soon.


The following e-mail was received from Lt Col Neil Grimes CTF 365 Rotation 18 Solomon’s Force Commander:


We have today received the biggest mail delivery since we arrived in Honiara. 

The parcels, all personally addressed, have been received well.

I also have the extras and will hand these on to people who need them most within the CTF.

Thanks again to you and all the RVR Association members and those from the supporting associations too.

Their ongoing support is fabulous and it means a lot to know that back home there are people thinking of us.  All the very best to all of you, from all of us.



Neil Grimes




In a ‘Thank you’ email from Tas McGinley, Regimental Sergeant Major CTF 365, the RSM noted that:-


"The focus for the Rifle Company commenced on arrival with introduction to Jungle warfare and physical fitness. This has culminated in a PL level jungle field activity. This has seen the soldiers walk over steep terrain, patrol in secondary jungle whilst conducting Infantry Platoon level operations. Although the activity has been strenuous, soldiers are developing a skill set that should hold them in good regard once they arrive back in Australia.’ In addition thank you cards were received from the RAAC members of the contingent and from members of the Tongan Defence Force."

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