Royal Victoria Regiment Association
Representative Colonel: Her Excellency Professor the Honorable Margaret Gardner AC Govenor of Victoria.
Patron: Major General The Honourable Justice Greg Garde AO RFD (Retd)

Infantry Dinner 2020
The nights speaker was Mr John White, a member of the Battalion who served in Timor with 6RAR in 2000.
John gave an engaging and insightful presentation that was enjoyed by all.
Thanks for sharing your story with us John.
The 2020 Annual Infantry Victoria Dinner hosted by the RVRA was held at the Kelvin Club on 26 February 2021.
We had over 80 people attend in a Covid compliant manner. It was an enjoyable evening and fantastic to see some old faces and meet some new people. The dinning format was modified to suit covid requirements and instead of the traditional horseshoe seating plan, we sat in groups of 6 – 8 around larger tables.
Some highlights of the night were updates on Battalion activities by the CO 5/6 RVR LTCOL Cameron Warfe and the OPSO 8/7 RVR Major Tony Watson. Both presentations gave dining members an insight into the battalions' support to the Bush fires and Covid pandemic as well as the continued training requirements and challenges during the year.
DR Rob Webster, RSL Victoria President gave an update on ANZAC planning.

On the night there were a few presentations made.

Ken Tsirigotis from Legacy was presented with a certificate of appreciation for his support to the association during last year’s bush fires.

Peter Baird was presented with a gift by LTCOL Strack for his efforts in the associations Bush Fire Family assistance initiative.

SSGT James Dane was awarded his 45-year Reserve Force Medal clasp by Brigadier Burr. Congratulations on a wonderful career Jim.
Cpl Dale Vistarini from B company 8/7 RVR was awarded the ‘Pompey’ Elliott Scholarship for his efforts in supporting the Battalion and the community during last year's events. Congratulations to Cpl Vistarini.
This is a selection from the units’ nomination of Cpl Vistarini.
Corporal Vistarini epitomizes the qualities and attributes ideally sought in a junior leader and has consistently displayed strong commitment to Defence Values and our culture of Good Soldiering, exceptional performance, and leadership. In 2020, Corporal Vistarini deployed on Operation BUSHFIRE ASSIST 19/20 and Operation COVID-19 ASSIST. He played a leading role in Battalion training and was recognized by his company and members outside of the unit for his contributions.

We would also like to thank the Piper, Peter Falconer on doing a great job during the evening.
The association thanks all who participated in the night, including those who participated with the Ode, Grace, and Toasts.